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The Voice of Advocacy for Women in Westchester

HomeRacial Equity Working Group

Racial Equity 
Working Group

Juneteenth 2024: WWA Celebration & Legislative Event  

Wednesday, June 19, 8:30 am to 11:30 am
Join us for a discussion of the NY Commission on Reparations, tours of this State Historic Site, refreshments and more!
Philipse Manor Hall, 29 Warburton Avenue, Younkers, NY
Seating is limited. Register Today

Our Mission

WWA's Racial Equity Group educates members on how to become antiracist and advances racial equity in Westchester County by working to eliminate racial disparities.

What We Are Working On

  1. Convening NY leaders for Juneteenth and other events that promote policies and actions to advance real change towards racial equity in our communities.
  2. Supporting Passage of the REAL Bill to establish a joint legislative committee on racial equity in New York State. 
  3. Supporting passage of the Amistad Bill that requires NY schools to provide curriculum relating to African-America history, slavery, and race.
  4. Continuing personal education via monthly in-depth discussions on topics that address systemic racism.
  5. Collaborating with other anti-racist organizations and advocating to raise awareness of racial disparities in Westchester.
  6. Engaging WWA nonprofits to adopt racial equity policies, principles and programs.
  7. Advocating for County government to continue implementing GARE racial equity policies to identify and eliminate disparities. 


  • Continued two Racial Equity Working Groups monthly in-depth educational discussion

  • Incorporated antiracism goal in WWA mission statement and bylaws Played a leadership top in the passage of

  • Mandated antiracism training for Board members; recommend training for all WWA members

  • Surveyed WWA nonprofits on racial equity policies/programs

  • Persuaded County Government to join Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) and begin instituting racial equity policies. 

  • Advocated for passage of NYS REAL Bill 
  • Joined with CURE to form Westchester Racial Equity Collaborative of community organizations

  • WWA sponsored Juneteenth Commemoration in 2022 and 2023

  • WWA Status of Women Report highlighted major racial disparities in almost every sector of Black women's lives

      Learn more about our accomplishments.  Click here to read the Racial Equity group's timeline. 

Meeting Time

Two groups meet virtually: one on the third Thursday of each month 6:30-7:30 PM, and the other on the fourth Thursday of each month 11:30-1:00 PM. The meetings' dates change to the prior week if they conflict with a major holiday. 

Contact the Chair below if you would like to join this group and attend the meetings.  
You must be a WWA member: Join WWA Today

Chairs & Contact Info

Colleen Brathwaite - Chair, Racial Equity Working Group
Tasha Young - Chair, Annual Juneteenth Event Committee