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The Voice of Advocacy for Women in Westchester

HomeOur Focus

Our Focus

Striving For Solutions Together

The WWA seeks equal rights and economic equality for women, champions reproductive freedom and access to healthcare, works to end violence against women, supports civil rights for all, and opposes racism and bigotry based on race or sexual orientation. 

We recognize that affordable housing, healthcare, and childcare are essential to women, especially low-income residents, who are often the most vulnerable members of our communities. Women who are victims of sexual assault and domestic violence require protections and services to assure their safety and ability to live freely. Women who are members of ethnic minorities should live in communities that are welcoming and provide equal access to opportunities available to others.

Our Focus is on Driving Change

Strategies For Solutions

Harnessing the power of our members we: 

  • Advance the fight against misogyny and racism by identifying and addressing the impact of these issues in our community. 

  • Advocate for County and New York State increased funds to expand the services our member nonprofits deliver to Westchester residents.

  • Propose and support legislation and policies that are in alignment with our vision. 

  • Partner and collaborate with other like-minded groups in order to amplify issues and maximize the potential for success. 

  • Unite and strengthen the voices of individuals to impact change through grassroots efforts.