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The Voice of Advocacy for Women in Westchester

HomeOur Impact

Our Impact

WWA is Making A Difference

We propel critical issues that impact women, families, and all Westchester County residents to the forefront. Elected officials and other key stakeholders recognize the value of WWA. They seek out our viewpoints and listen to our suggestions for change. Organizations rely on us to amplify their efforts on behalf of women. We are a trusted partner to those in need, those who want to make a difference, and those with the power to effect change.

     Below you will find our most recent policy statements and reports on issues impacting women.


Statement in Support of Affordable Housing - January 25th, 2024

The WWA 2022 Report on the Status of Women in Westchester identified lack of affordable housing as among the top challenges women face in their ability to thrive. There is an opportunity to advance affordable housing via a proposed all-affordable development in Mamaroneck. The WWA Board is in strong support of this proposal. We look forward to working with leaders throughout our local communities in their efforts to expand Westchester's affordable housing.  2024 Statement in Support of Affordable Housing

"Status of Women in Westchester" Report Launch & Panel Discussion - January 26th, 2023

The Westchester Women's Agenda is holding a panel discussion on the status of women in Westchester, NY, based on the research findings of our 2022 Status of Women Report. Respected leaders in healthcare, housing, domestic violence, immigration, childcare and more will present key findings from the in-depth report and will identify critical action items. All are welcome. Register or view the event via live stream on Facebook, or view the video at a later date on YouTube. 2022 Report on Status of Women in Westchester - Full Report


Statement On the State of Women's Rights for the Observance of Women's "Equality" Day - August 2022

With women's reproductive and voting rights under attack, in 2022 women are still not equal win our democracy. Therefore, this year the Westchester Women’s Agenda is joining the League of Women Voters’ #WomensInequalityDay campaign on August 26 to demand our lawmakers restore and protect our rights. Policy Statement on Women's Equality Day


Westchester Board of Legislatures Approves & County Executive Latimer Signs into Law Reproductive Health Care Facilities Access Act

Many WWA members helped to get the bill across the finish line. Testimony from those at Hope’s Door, Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic, WWA’s Reproductive Justice Working Group, and others were important public input that helped craft the final legislation.


Statement on the Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion Rights- June 2022


Today’s Supreme Court decision is anti-women and your right to an abortion is now determined by your zip code. Download our statement on this extraordinary and disappointing ruling, including action items we are taking. Policy Statement of Reproductive Rights


Statement On the Siege on the Capital- Jan 2022

The violent mob assault on our democracy, instigated by this sitting president, was as horrifying as it was predictable. The work before us is long-haul and it continues to demand every ounce of our effort, imagination, intelligence and courage. Read our Statement on the Capital Siege

Click Below to Access all WWA Policy Statements and Reports

WWA Statements & Reports